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OMG Fund Information

OLC OMG Fund Information

Welcome to OLC's OMG Emergency Student Aid Program!

The OMG fund is available to students to apply for emergency expenses that if left unpaid, could contribute to a student stopping out. Examples include car repair, rent, medical/dental transportation, utilities, and childcare. Expenses that are not eligible for funding include school expenses such as fees, tuition, books, supplies and required tools/equipment.

Below are the student eligibility requirements and stipulations for the program along with the link to the application.

  1. Must be enrolled full or part time at OLC.
  2. Must have a minimum of 2.0 GPA.
  3. Must be enrolled in the semester they are requesting funding.
  4. This is a one-time funding program. If you were funded by the program in prior semesters, you may not apply again. If your request was denied in a prior semester, you are eligible to reapply.
  5. Funded applications will have the amount dispersed to the organization, business, etc. that the funds are being used for. FUNDS WILL NOT BE PAID OUT TO THE STUDENT!!
  6. Students are required to submit supporting documentation for the expense they are requesting funding for. For example, if it is a car repair, the student should provide an estimate from the mechanic or repair shop. *All documentation/quotes/bills must be in the student’s name.

**Please note due to limited funding, applications will be approved on a first come first serve basis from completed applications. Funding will be evenly distributed among centers**

OMG Fund Application