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The Registrar’s office provides students with counselors, tutors, academic advisors, and more to help ensure our students excel at OLC.

The Registrar’s Office Welcomes You to Oglala Lakota College

The Registrar's Office welcomes you with our sincerest appreciation for choosing Oglala Lakota College for your educational endeavors and wishes you the best experience possible. As the Registrar at Oglala Lakota College, our primary purpose is to provide service. Through our service, we derive satisfaction, but students have a right to expect this from us. We are here to assist with admission requirements, transcript requests, enrollment verifications, and much more.

Oglala Lakota College is decentralized throughout the Pine Ridge Reservation with extension sites in Rapid City and the Cheyenne River Reservation located just 2 hours north. Counselors are available at each college center to assist students in tutoring, attendance, academic, and financial aid counseling. Counselors may also refer students to other resources if they are unable to assist students in their needs. Students should work closely with their local college center counselor. An academic advisor is also available for each student between the ninth and thirteenth weeks of classes.

Access popular resources, forms, and information below

If you are unable to find the resources you are looking for, the Registrar’s Office will be happy to help you and/or direct you in the right direction to get what you need.

For Assistance Contact:

Anthony Barajas




Kacena One Horn

Deputy Registrar



Carrie Sitting Up

Assistant Registrar



Summer Last Horse

File Clerk



Video Tutorials