Admissions Process
Oglala Lakota College has streamlined the application process for admissions to make it as easy and hassle-free as possible for transfer students and veterans in particular.
Oglala Lakota College pursues an open-door policy in which all qualified students will be admitted without regard to race, religion, gender, origin or political belief. Enrollment in the college does not guarantee admission to any specific program, nor to any and all courses of study.
To qualify for full access to college level courses, students must demonstrate a minimum 10.1 grade level of reading comprehension as indicated by the college readiness assessment (see policy 70-300). Oglala Lakota College also offers preparatory programs/remedial coursework for students who do not test into college level classes, but would still like the opportunity to pursue a college degree.
New Student/Transfer Admissions
to Oglala Lakota College
All applicants seeking admission to Oglala Lakota College must send each of the items listed below, or complete tasks BEFORE admittance to the college:
- Complete Application declaring a major. Students may only declare one major at a time while attending Oglala Lakota College.
- A copy of high school transcripts, or certificate of high school equivalency (GED Diploma). This is MANDATORY. Students with a Bachelor's Degree or higher will be required to submit documentation verifying the degree(s) awarded.
- Transfer students must send official college transcripts at
- If the student is a tribal member of a Federally Recognized Tribe, verification will be required.
- Complete College Readiness Assessment (see policy 70-300).
- Transfer students who do not have approved transfer college credit for English Composition or Algebra must complete the college readiness assessment.
Any student falsifying information is subject to being dropped from all classes.
Oglala Lakota College does not admit under the Ability to Benefit criteria.
Transfer of Credit Policy Transfer of Credit Procedure
Former students of Oglala Lakota College not enrolled for two semesters or longer, must apply for readmission to the Registrar. Official transcripts of additional work completed at any other college, must be submitted.
Veterans wishing to attend the college may use their veterans’ educational benefits. New students need to pick up an application at the Registrar's office. Continuing students should notify the Registrar to fill out an enrollment certification for the semester(s) they will be attending Oglala Lakota College.
The veteran will need to visit the Registrar's Office and sign the enrollment certification one month before classes begin to receive certification and authorization prior to registration in order to receive monthly subsistence without delay.
General Education Development Classes
Students who have not completed a high school degree and who do not have a G.E.D. may enroll for free G.E.D. classes at any of the college centers throughout the reservation. For further information, contact the college center director or tutor in their local district.
Registration for Courses
Registration can be completed at each one of the eleven district college centers throughout the Pine Ridge Reservation, the Cheyenne River Reservation, and at the Rapid City Extension. There is general registration for one week at each local district center, the Cheyenne River Reservation and the Rapid City Extension with pre-registration beginning in May and November for the fall and spring semesters. One week after registration will be the week for processing records.
To be considered for online registration, the applicant must supply the counselor with certified copies of the degree of Indian blood, high school transcripts, and college transcripts. Applicants who have a GED certificate must submit a copy of their certificate. Once these documents are received by the Registrar's Office the student will be assigned an ID and password that they use at the following website in order to register for classes.