ADA Policies / Disability Services
Oglala Lakota College recognizes physical and mental disabilities that could hinder a student’s ability to learn, and offer reasonable accommodations through the disability services department.
Disability Services
Oglala Lakota College recognizes physical and mental disabilities that include mobility, sensory, health, psychological, and learning disabilities, and provides reasonable accommodations and/or referrals once the disability is adequately documented.
While Oglala Lakota College’s legal obligations only extend to disabilities of a substantial and long-term nature, it is also the College’s practice to honor reasonable requests for accommodations and/or referrals for temporary disabilities such as a physical injury, illness, or complicated pregnancy*. In keeping with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and with section 504, Oglala Lakota College can only provide accommodations and/or referrals to ensure students with disabilities equal access to education.
The college does not alter curriculum or provide services that would be construed as special education. Students with disabilities are not exempt from following OLC policies and procedures.
It is the responsibility of the student to make his or her disability and needs known in a timely fashion and to provide appropriate documentation and evaluations to support the accommodations the student requests. Documentation must come from an appropriate professional (such as a physician, psychologist, learning disability specialist, or audiologist), and documentation must include information regarding the type of disability, functional limitations, and modes of treatment. Individualized Education Plans (IEP) are not sufficient for documentation requirements. Once admitted the student must notify the Coordinator of Support Services by filling out an Application for Service. If documentation is deemed inadequate, students may be asked to participate in additional evaluations prior to receiving requested accommodations. Once the college has been notified and specific accommodations are requested and appropriately documented, the Coordinator of Support Services will work with the student to obtain the approved accommodations and/or referrals to ensure the student has the opportunity to equal access to education. Oglala Lakota College will provide all students with information regarding the disability policy and OLC's accommodation request procedures via the college’s website, student handbook, college catalog, and instructor’s syllabus.
Upon completion of the Application for Disabilities Services, please submit your application to the Disabilities Services Coordinator.
Stella Hernandez
Oglala Lakota College
EAP/Student Affairs Director
Work Phone: (605) 455-6083
Email Stella Hernandez
Accommodations include, but are not limited to:
- Accessible classroom/location/furniture/dorms
- Advance notice of assignments
- Alternative means of completing assignments
(e.g. oral presentation versus written paper) - Assistive computer technology
- Assistive listening devices
- Auxiliary aids and services
(note takers, lab or library assistants, readers, interpreters) - Captions for film and video material (if available)
- Document conversion
(alternative print format: Braille, large print, tape, electronics, raised lettering) - Early syllabus
- Financial aid accommodations
- Priority Registration
- Academic Advising
- Referral services to campus, community, and state agencies
- Learning disabilities consultation and strategy instruction
- Taped lectures