Yolanda GarciaFinanical Aid Director
- Phone
- Email
- Yolanda Garcia
Tanya GarnenezVP for Business
- Phone
- Email
- Tanya Garnenez
Dana GehringMST Department Chair
- Phone
- Email
- Dana Gehring
Tracy GhostOglala Early Head Start Cook
Duane GibbonsPiya Wiconi Maintenance
- Phone
- Email
- Duane Gibbons
Lena GoingsPine Ridge Center Director
- Phone
- Email
- Lena Goings
Wendy GreenHe Sapa Counselor for Students with Last Names G-O
- Phone
- Email
- Wendy Green
Camille GriffithGIS & Remote Sensing Instructor
- Phone
- Email
- Camille Griffith
Lisa GrimesWanblee Family Service and Center Service Provider
- Email
- Lisa Grimes